BREATHE Stickers


BREATHE Stickers

A friendly reminder to meditate.

Traveling full-time means my days are constantly in transition from one experience to the next. Instead of finding time to sit in a quiet room for long periods of time and meditate, I try to meditate throughout the daily experience.

Meditation is awareness through time. The key is consistently reminding our thoughts to open up to this awareness.

Bringing attention to the breath helps me become less reactive in stressful situations and makes enjoyable experiences even more pleasurable. Whether I am checking email, stuck in traffic, having a nice meal, or balancing rocks, It’s important for me to pause for a moment and remember to breathe.

Currently I have these stickers placed on “mindful objects” such as my front door, bedroom mirror, car dash, phone, and laptop — all places that I need to remember to take a mindful breath.

I originally made these just for my own personal use. Based on many people asking about them, I’ve decided to offer them to the public. I hope these stickers serve you well.


Inhale Blue Sky
As you inhale, become aware of your senses. Visualize your meditative awareness as a blue sky.

Exhale Clouds
Visualize thoughts as clouds passing along the sky. As you exhale, notice your thoughts and them fade.

Repeat as Necessary
This can be done sitting or standing, with eyes open or closed.

Breathe Sticker • WIND


Inhale Growth
As you inhale, focus your energy upward like trees growing branches into the sky.

Exhale Roots
As you exhale, focus your energy downward into the core of the Earth, like trees growing roots.

Repeat as Necessary
This can be done sitting or standing, with eyes open or closed.

Breathe Sticker • EARTH


How to Rock Balance in 60 Seconds


Artist Process: Zen in Rock